Any pain lasting for more than 12 weeks is generally considered as Chronic Pain. This means whether the injury is traumatic or non traumatic, it should or must heal within 6-12 weeks at maximum. If you do not help yourself to get better within this time frame, you are basically channeling your nervous system to adapt to the painful sensation given by the local tissue damage.

Poor Diet, Lack of Sleep, Emotional or physical stress, lack of physical activity, your boss and colleagues, family and friends. all of this can affect your pain to become good or bad. Many things are not in our hands but anything from the list above which you can change to help your self should be tried. Hence, your lifestyle modification is a big term where you have to consider anything which influences your pain. Just remember self help is the better help. The change starts from YOU and the rest will follow. A doctor or Physiotherapist can give you the path to recovery but you need to proactively participate and reach to the goal of pain-free life.
Long standing pain generates a threat to your normal body movement and you start avoiding them which in turn makes the joints and muscles unhealthy. There is a sub-conscious fear in moving all the time and the brain and body kind of pre-decide that this particular movement will cause pain. Inability to move freely along with fear of pain increases the neural and chemical response in the brain to make you feel sick all the time. In such conditions, medicines usually don't work or mask your pain very temporarily.

What you need to do at this stage is to come out of threatening painful memory through controlled pain-free movements (Pain free activities). Resting at this time is not a correct choice but being careful to not create too much pain is. I believe any activity or exercise causing pain more than 20 % is a good sign to step back or stop that activity. Doing ice compression as a therapy can work very well if and when pain increases. At times you need pain modulation procedures like Manual therapy, Massage, Dry Needling / Acupuncture or even taping to facilitate pain free movements. Once you get better with pain, simultaneously start loading your damaged tissues via exercises which mainly includes strengthening against gravity or resistance.

In the beginning, you may find some discomfort in doing strengthening exercises but that is a normal response to tissue loading rather than any damage which you might think is happening. But tissue loading capacity will increase you will start feeling stronger and active with your earlier painful movements. In my opinion, it will take from 6 weeks to 6 months, where decent muscle strength will build up and you will reach to your pre-injury level of fitness.

Since, chronic pain involves memory of local tissue damage, nerves which conducts painful sensation to spinal chord and the brain at the center, there are social and psychological factors which can variate your pain on daily basis. I always tell my patients that the part of brain which responds to chronic pain is also responsible for your emotions. So, it is very natural for emotions to make you feel pain and vice a versa. You definitely feel emotionally stressed on the days when it is painful or when you are emotionally stressed your pain increases. Anything which disturbs the chemistry of your brain will disturb the pain also.
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