Friday, 30 August 2019

Benefits of exercise- Beyond weight loss

Exercise and weight loss has always been weighed together where the real aim for us is using exercise as a tool for weight loss.
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Since ages dieting has been followed to create calorie deficit which is thought to be creating some reduction in body weight. Calorie deficit if combined with calorie burning has a tremendous effect on faster weight reduction. Numerous studies have shown  the role of combining exercises and good diet for effective weight loss.
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There are studies to show that an intermittent fasting plan in a diet is way more effective than a long term strict diet routine alone. Whenever the body is challenged consistently it soon adapts to the routine and becomes less effective. Variation is the key to success as your body gives results when you challenge your metabolism (the rate of burning fuel by the body) and not allowing it to adapt with your routine. 
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Similarly, when exercise is done uniformly your body soon adjust to the activities you do. And soon the weight loss becomes less effective. When you keep the body under challenge by variating your exercise routine from high to low and high again, the large metabolic changes occur. This variation makes the weight loss more effective and faster. This also makes your cardiovascular system work harder giving you benefits beyond just the weight loss. The most effective variation plan in exercise is HIIT (High intensity interval training) where your body performs high level of activity followed by short rest period and it goes on in a circuit create good strength and effective calorie burning.

Although I do not support HIIT until you do not improve your basic body strength. Human body is very intelligent as it can make you work without realizing the faults and it is too late by the time you experience something is wrong. It is good to identify your weakness and work on it to get a better balanced strength everywhere before you switch to HIIT. You need to get FIT before start HIIT.
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Exercise should not just be a tool for weight loss as it has got numerous benefits. The aim behind losing the extra weight should be more than cosmetic appearance. Your extra weight is anyways a sign of bad lifestyle and poor health. Do you know why the weight which you lost with so much effort has a tendency to come back after some time? The reason is you never made permanent change in your lifestyle and eating habits. 

"The change which you want by doing something temporarily will work only temporarily".

In order to achieve good health, the change has to come in whole of you. You should be aware of the benefits coming from exercise and healthy life style. The real benefits of exercises are to control, cure and prevent lifestyle diseases and we have ample of evidence in researches for them.

Benefits Of Exercises Beyond Weight Loss
  1. It can control, prevent and treat Hypertension or high blood pressure.
  2. It can cure or control type 2 Diabetes.
  3. Various cancer types can be prevented and even arrested from progression
  4. It can make you live longer, stronger and independent.
  5. It can keep you away from aches and pains.
  6. It can delay or prevent surgeries.
  7. It can counter chronic pain disorders.
  8. It can simply make you HAPPIER and bring back the SMILE.
In case you want to know more about how you can make exercise as your RECOVERY TOOL kindly feel free to contact me through details mentioned below:

Dr. Kunal Vashist,PT
MPT (Ortho), Manual Therapy
Dry Needling Practitioner
Exercise and Rehab Specialist
Contact No. 9968302757

Monday, 5 August 2019


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Celebrating the World breastfeeding week (1st Aug-7th Aug)

Theme of the year: Empower Parents, enable breastfeeding- Now and for the future.

We all know that breastfeeding is a very natural process, but the pity is that at today’s date there is a need to promote breastfeeding. When we all know that nature has given the wonderful power of nurturing the baby through breastfeed then why we are trying to interfere with it and leading toward artificial feeds. Why the introduction of honey, ghutti etc is there to such small babies when it’s world-wide known fact that it can be dangerous for them. Do you really think that providing that ghutti through one of your family member will transfer that person’s qualities to the baby?

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Are we really living in 21st century?

My idea is not to offend anyone here but I am trying to find the reasoning. We should think before we do anything instead of just blindly following the unnecessary rituals or beliefs which can put our little one’s health on risk.
Now the question that might come to your mind is what to do in case if someone can’t breastfeed. So the answer is have you seen any animal’s baby having artificial feed; similarly our baby also has a right on mother’s milk only and


It’s the Biggest MYTH and the challenge in INDIA is to break that myth.

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Yes it’s true that breastfeeding can come across various challenges like delayed milk supply, sore nipples, heaviness etc. but believe me all this is temporary and the only thing which is required to overcome all the challenges is RIGHT INFORMATION AND RIGHT ADVICE at the RIGHT TIME. So here comes the role of family who should be patient and supportive enough to encourage breastfeeding rather than giving substitutes like formula feed or bottle feed; role of partner who can support the mother with various things like burping the baby, swaddling, swaying or cleaning the baby at times to give the adequate rest to mother.

Government is also spending lot of money to create awareness about early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding till 6 months, creating breastfeeding rooms, provision of maternity leaves till 6 months –Why?

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So that we have enough resources and time to give a healthy and happy life to our munchkins

To establish a successful breastfeeding work on 3T’s:

Timing: Early initiation of breastfeeding is very important; do not delay it. As soon as you get the baby start feeding.

Techniques: Right positioning and latch as half of the problems come because of the wrong holding.

Trials: Breastfeeding works on demand and supply so give enough time and multiple trials; as practice makes you perfect.

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Last but not the least; do not hesitate to seek for help of a lactation consultant as this is her domain to give you the correct guidance and clear myths from realities.

So once again MARK my words:

Every woman can feed her child naturally; you just have to find a way and when there is a will; there is Always a way.

Thank you
Dr Kavita Mehta (PT)
Lactation consultant and a proud mother of 3 year old Son.
For any queries reach out at